The scars remain..

My husband had found out the truth about the guy in the first floor portion of the two-storeyed house. He was a terrorist ready to make his  move tonight. All the plans had been laid out and everything was ready for the finale, but things were going to be stopped or so we thought. My husband and his colleagues had formed a boundary around the house.. they were ready to storm. Stealthily, they broke in, he jumped out and ran, they chased him and they had him pinned down. The house-owner was bewildered, he couldn’t believe he had rented his home to a terrorist.

zoooommmm.. fast forward.. my cousins and I are all in a small house. We have mehendi on our hands and are showing if off to the uncles and aunts. It seems like we are getting ready for a wedding. Suddenly someone bangs on the door and we see men in black vests, shooting at us..

zooooommm… fast forward.. my husband drops me off by the side of the road and continues along on the same road. A black car with dark windows slows down by me right after he leaves. They bring down the windows – I see scary men inside, but they take off again. A red weird shaped car stops by me a few seconds later, they brind down the windows and I see more scary men, but dismiss the idea because I expect them to take off like the previous car did, but instead one of them pulls out a gun and shoots me down.

I wake up.. palms sweaty and my heart racing to find I am still alive and in bed, my daughter separating me far enough from my husband to not be able to grasp his hand.

And that my friends has been a recurring theme.. I’ve been plagued by frequent such nightmares since Nov 26 of last year. All the live telecasts from outside the Taj hotel have now made bullet sounds un-alien and nightmares feel so real.

It will soon be a year, but for someone who was not even there, the scars remain…

5 thoughts on “The scars remain..

  1. It sure is fearful! we are plagued by a lot of fears in our daily lives but not much as this one.

    Rekha: Yes. I feel we are relatively safer (living and working in suburbs) unless of course there is a nuclear attack, compared to my family in India all who live and work inside the city.

  2. Yash

    Been a silent reader for a while…very nicely written …
    I was plagued by these last thanksgiving though miles away …
    Hope this year goes through peacefully …

    Rekha: Yes.. hoping for peace…

  3. Very nice…i still have such dreams…after Taj….I could see hundreds of men in black clothing with guns everywhere every night….its very depressing…but humans will be humans…they will carry on with their normal lives…. 🙂
    -Mumbaikar 😀

    Rekha: Thank god for that!

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